3rd Party Survey Audits


Market Research is the collection and analysis of information about consumers, competitors, and the effectiveness of marketing programs. Business owners use market research to determine the feasibility of business in certain markets, test interest in new products or services, strengthen aspects of their businesses, such as customer support or distribution channels, and develop competitive strategies.

In other words, market research enables business owners to make decisions that make them more responsive to customers’ needs and become successful.

Top Data Collection Issues Observed
  • Project Quotas get tampered with (Designations/Industries/Age/Cities, etc.)
  • Forged Interviews
  • Interviews not managed properly (A standard 30-minute interview gets over in less than 5 minutes)
  • Forced interviews (Respondents not willing to participate but forced by the Interviewer)
  • Unqualified Interviews (Respondents not qualified however interviewed)
  • Questions skipped by the interviewer to close the interview soon

Asia Research Partners provide a “CHECK AND MOVE” audit approach, which focuses on continuous risk assessment throughout the data collection phases outlined below.

Data Collection is the backbone of any market research process. In today’s scenario, the Data Collection process is largely outsourced to local agencies and research/consulting companies have limited sources to measure the accuracy or authenticity of the data collection. In case, the data has not been collected the way it has been scoped, the research loses its entire objective.This conclusion with the customer, the audit is ended and the audit reports are issued along with the supporting documents and recorded calls.

The Kick-off call is initiated by operating management to understand the scope of work and Data Collection Processes. Key information including the project details, respondents’ contact details are obtained. Additionally, we solicit management concerns and work with them to identify goals.
In the Planning stage, we gather information on the Data Collection process and prepare an audit plan along with the timelines. A complete plan is then submitted to the client for approval.
Asia Research Partners conducts the Audit as defined above. Throughout this phase, the audit results are analyzed to determine if additional audit work is required, or if no further audit is necessary to conclude on the sufficiency of the control environment. We ensure prompt communication of issues emerging as audit work is executed. Results are communicated, validated, drafted, and submitted to the customers as they are identified.
Post Audit, the results are communicated to the client along with the reports and supporting documents.

Summary Report
Excel of SPSS file of the Audit
Supporting Documents/Calls