Mystery Shopping

  • Mystery Shopping
  • Services
  • Industries

What is Mystery Shopping?

How often does a customer receive exceptional service from your staff?
How often does a customer receive poor service and vow never to return?
Are the customers greeted? Thanked?
Do your employees know how to sell? Up-sell? Cross-sell? Suggest?
Are receipts given on cash sales?
Do you really know how your customers perceive your business?
Many owners and managers are surprised when they learn the answers.

Results don’t happen by accident. Companies that create consistently exceptional customer experiences do not succeed because they always hire better employees or offer better products at lower prices; they succeed because they build carefully aligned systems that everyone in the organization uses to measure, manage and improve the customer experience.

When aligned properly with other measurement and management tools, mystery shop results can reliably predict customer satisfaction and future sales.

A mystery shopping program managed by Asia Research Partners will help your company focus and improve on the specific behaviors that will create customer delight and positively impact sales and profitability. Any business or organization that needs to monitor its operations, facilities, service performance or competition uses Mystery Shopping services.

Asia Research Partners provides accurate and timely global mystery shopping services to a wide variety of businesses and industries. We conduct evaluations by personal visits and/or by phone, depending on our client’s needs. We systematically gather information and analyze the data of our customers, their competitors and the market.

We send mystery shoppers to ‘act’ as shoppers or to legitimately shop in return for some combination of cash, store credit, purchase discounts, or the goods or services purchased.

Instructions to mystery shoppers can include a script of behavior, questions to ask, complaints to give, purchases to make and Armed with all relevant information and clear expectations of program requirements, our mystery shoppers successfully tackle each shop to gather accurate data – every time, everywhere in the world.

Customer Sales & Service Audits – Face to Face

Our trained and certified mystery shoppers act as your eyes and ears. They will visit your establishment or targeted institution under the guise of a typical customer and report back their experience. Our shoppers can even record their experience using hidden cameras (audio/video) and share it with you.

Do you really know what’s happening on the front line of your company, especially when you or your representatives are not available? Just one employee’s poor performance could waste the millions of Rupees/Dollars you spend getting and keeping your customers. Your Mystery Shopping reports will give you a detailed, objective and accurate view of your business along with recordings, pictures and business cards from your customer’s perspective

Competition Intelligence Audit

Want the scoop on the competition?
Mystery Shoppers will shop your competition and provide you with the “competitive edge!” Compare your sales and service strategies and stay one-step ahead.

Online Feedback forms

Does your business offer customers the old paper method to express their thoughts to you? Technology has wiped the old methodology.
Why not give your customers choice and the convenience of providing their comments online? We offer you statistical reports on monthly/quarterly basis and this is fast, accurate, reliable way to make informed decisions and stay one-step ahead.

Telephone (Customer care/Sales) Audits

Often the only chance you have to make a grade-A first impression is via the telephone. Are your employees treating in-bound calls as an opportunity, not as an interruption or nuisance? Our mystery shoppers evaluate the greeting, telephone manner, helpfulness, courtesy, and sales skills. Telephone evaluations are of immeasurable value to Call Centers and Retailers. Calls may also be recorded upon request.

Employee Satisfaction Surveys

Learn through your employees’ experience!
Besides yourself, no one knows your company better than your employees. Are they happy? Do they have a great idea to improve morale and sales?
Surveys are tailored to discover the information you need to maintain a successful employer/employee relationship. Surveys may be administered anonymously or otherwise.